Daily Archives: September 8, 2017

September 8

Wow! We had a busy 4 day week. Overall, we spent a lot of time getting into our school routines. In math, we completed our first 3 lessons. We now have several strategies to help us solve multiplication problems. The memorization part will come later this year.

In writing, students wrote several writing samples that we will use to help us see where we can grow our writing skills throughout the year. We also started generating ideas for narrative writing, our first unit, by making a “heart map”. Ask your child about it.

We started our Reading Workshop routines of picking our “just right” or “good fit” books, taking Accelerated Reader test, and our 3rd grade challenge of “Read Around Michigan”. Your child should be able to tell you all about it!

Finally, we took time to learn about having a “Growth Mindset”. We completed several activities to help us realize when we are making a fixed mindset statement and how we can turn it into a growth mindset statement. A blue information page went home with your child to help explain what we are learning.

If you haven’t connected to your child’s Seesaw account yet, please consider doing so. Your child has already made posts on different Seesaw tasks they have been given.

Below are some photos of our week~math games, dance breaks, and Reading Workshop