Monthly Archives: June 2016

Market Day and Aquatic Center!

Wow, only 4 days left–where did this year go???

We had a wonderful Market Day. The students’ displays and products looked fabulous. Thank you to all the shoppers who were able to come in and shop on that very warm day! Thursday we reflected on our profits/loss and what we may have done differently. Photos of both Market Day and our Spring Lake Aquatic party are below. Thank you to JPO and all of your donations for The Jeffers Jive!

We also finished our literary essays and economic’s unit. Today the students blogged their farewell blog. Please check them out–they are quite touching. 🙂 Click:   Final Student Blog


June 7-celebration of summer birthdays–students are welcome to bring in their b-day treats; also final classroom store

June 8-4th Grade Farewell; 11AM, Jeffers Gymnasium, please arrive no earlier than 10:30 as there will be a class before hand (It’s a special time. I hope you can attend.) 1/2 Day

June 9-Last day of school; 1/2 day

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